BETTER SLEEP - Canada's Premium Weighted Blanket

Better Sleep Blog

Posts tagged "weighted blanket Canada"

Each person has their own preferences when it comes to sleeping positions. For example, 47% of people sleep curled up on their side in the fetal position called side sleepers. There are plenty of back-sleepers and stomach-sleepers as well.

Today, we'll focus on side sleepers and whether or not a weighted blanket may help you get a good night's sleep in this position. While a weighted blanket is ideal for resting on your back, you might be wondering if you can use one on your side as well.

Side sleepers, it turns out, can still get a decent night's sleep with the help of a weighted blanket. We'll go over some weighted blanket guidelines and other helpful hints for side sleeper.


Let’s delve into the science of how weighted blankets can help you overcome stress and anxiety naturally.

  • Weighted blankets have been shown to reduce anxiety in recent studies.
  • Deep Touch Pressure (DTP) is the science underlying weighted blankets, and DTP has several scientifically proven benefits.
  • Our weighted blankets are filler-free, unlike traditional ones, which means more even weight distribution, more effective DTP, and more peace. 

Is it difficult for you to concentrate during the day or fall asleep at night because of your anxiety? Others are having sweet dreams while you're wide up counting worries? 

A weighted blanket can be beneficial. Yes, it can if you have one. 

While stress can be transient, many of us are plagued by anxiety all of the time. These sensations of dread and anxiety can substantially impact one's general health and well-being. This article describes how weighted blankets for individuals with anxiety function and answers frequently asked concerns about lowering stress by sleeping with a weighted blanket


It's no secret that the majority of people could benefit from a deep sleep. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every three American adults does not receive the required amount of deep sleep daily. The quality of our sleep is just as important as the duration of our sleep. Every night, our brains cycle through four stages of sleep, with studies claiming that the third stage, often known as deep sleep, is critical for receiving more high-quality sleep.

But what exactly deep sleep is, and how can you make sure you're getting enough of it?

We'll break down the fundamentals of deep sleep and show you how to get more of it for better health and wellness (hint: a Better Sleep weighted blanket can help!).


If you've enjoyed the benefits of a weighted blanket for yourself, it might be time to consider acquiring one for the kiddo in your life!

A good night's sleep is just as crucial for children as it is for adults. Weighted blankets have been used therapeutically to help children with anxiety, ADHD, and other sensory processing disorders, but they can also benefit any youngster who wants a better night's sleep.

Nothing beats having your child wake up well-rested, rejuvenated, and in a fantastic attitude to start the day, as any parent who has been awakened up by a cranky youngster will confirm. (Not to mention, if your child doesn't sleep through the night, you probably don't either.)

The benefits of a good night's sleep are the same for our kids as they are for us adults: improved focus, mood, energy, and even eating choices (when we're sleep-deprived, we're far more likely to prefer bagels over a healthy breakfast!) A well-rested child will perform better in the classroom, at sporting events or extracurricular activities, and in social situations with friends. If you've enjoyed the benefits of a weighted blanket for yourself, it might be time to consider acquiring one for the kiddo in your life!